Scrambles that require a full 20 moves are exceedingly rare. They show a histogram that shows that about 70% of solves can be done in 18 moves ( in the quarter turn metric ). Our machine can do half turns, and can combine opposite face turns, so our command list isn't directly comparable to the quarter turn metric. The 20 move longest solve is measured in the 'quarter turn metric'. The even the slow end of the range is enough to claim the current record. We don't try to generate a fully optimal solve ( takes too long, and we are counting solve time as well as move time ), and we get variations from 0.9 seconds up to 1.4 seconds. There are websites ( like ) that will generate instructions for a 'good' scramble, but there is no guarantee. A machine scramble would open the door to play back a memorized reversal.
It will definitely be a hand scramble by the judge. The final judging attempt hasn't happened yet, so it will be somewhat up to the judge.
A fair question, and one that I've thought about.